Earlier this week, I blogged about how I got away from the internet for a week and spent time in the real world. Since I spend roughly 25 hours a day online, that left me with lots of free time. Fortunately, I also have a nearly-finished first draft to work on, and I decided to… Continue reading When the left side of your brain bullies the right
Tools for taking a social media holiday
On Monday I wrote about what I learned in the week I removed myself from cyberspace and lost myself in the real world instead. Today I’m going to talk about some of the practicalities of doing that. All right, it might not seem like a big deal to stay away from the internet for a… Continue reading Tools for taking a social media holiday
The importance of taking a social media break
Hello again! I’m back after cutting myself off from the internet for a week—no blog, Twitter, or even email—and it was freakin’ tough. The only way I was able to do it was because I cheated—my husband and I went to rural Scotland and stayed in a cottage with no internet access for most of… Continue reading The importance of taking a social media break
Doncha wish your critter was hot like me?
Well, your critter could *be* me. Or rather, I could be your critique partner. My online critique group, Rumored Romantics, is looking for one or two other partners. To find someone whose critique style meets ours, we’re running a little contest. Lynnette Labelle, who runs the group, has posted the contest rules on her blog,… Continue reading Doncha wish your critter was hot like me?
Who holds you accountable?
Yesterday I read Jessica Faust’s post about a day in her life (not a typical day, just a day), and it occurred to me that I always get warm fuzzies when I read about agents checking in with their clients to see how they’re doing. Maybe it’s just the agents whose blogs I read, or… Continue reading Who holds you accountable?