4 tips to make the most of your research trip

This is the last post in a series I’ve done on visiting the real-life locations your story is set in. Last week I asked how well you thought you could write about a place you’ve never seen, and I gave nine reasons you should visit your setting if at all possible. Today I’m giving you… Continue reading 4 tips to make the most of your research trip

9 reasons to visit your real-life setting

Earlier this week, I asked how well you can describe a place you’ve never been to. In the comments, most people believed writers can describe real-life locations pretty well as long as their research is good enough. In general, I think that’s probably right. But it doesn’t all come down to research. It’s also a… Continue reading 9 reasons to visit your real-life setting

Five things novelists should do when writing for the web

In my day job, I manage the content for a large charity website. I spend lots of time training my colleagues on writing for the web. When I visit authors’ websites, I’m sometimes struck by the simple ways they could make their sites easier to use. Last week Roni Loren wrote about the ten components… Continue reading Five things novelists should do when writing for the web

Attack of the overbearing body parts

For some reason, my first drafts tend to be dominated by one body part, and it’s probably not one you’d expect, considering I’m a romance writer. I hadn’t realized I had a bullying body part until one of my beta readers returned her incredibly helpful comments on the novel manuscript I wrote last year. Throughout… Continue reading Attack of the overbearing body parts

The little things that keep you writing

There’s no doubt that a writer’s life is full of sacrifice. Very few people are lucky enough to make writing their full-time job; it’s often something you have to make time for, sandwiched between family obligations and whatever pays the bills. Everything else seems to fall by the wayside. This weekend, as I was cleaning… Continue reading The little things that keep you writing