When I was in high school, I didn’t play sports. Instead, I met athletes by taking stats for our football team (and our basketball and softball teams, but they were girls so my heart wasn’t really in it).
That’s not to say I’m good at figuring out statistics, and since I rarely use math in my day job I’ve mostly forgotten how to calculate anything.
I love reading statistics, though, so I was thrilled that WordPress emailed me an overview of this blog’s stats for 2010. I won’t share them all with you, but I wanted to let you know my top posts from last year, in case you missed any of them.
Thanks to everyone who read and commented on them the first time around!
These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.
What hits your hot button? September 2010
Describing how a man smells August 2010
Adopting a pseudonym after developing a social media presence October 2010
When did category romance get this good? June 2010
Writing in an accent that’s not yours September 2010