Interview with Katie Lane—and giveaway!

Anyone who’s been to a Romance Writers of America conference knows that you can end up going home with hundreds of free books. I actually saw women walking around with furniture dollies carting away boxes of books.

Katie Lane copyright Dry Heat PhotographyI wasn’t quite that bad, but I did end up discovering loads of fantastic new authors. One of them, Katie Lane, writes hysterically funny, sexy contemporary romance set in the small Texas town of Bramble. If you’re looking for a good time, Katie Lane’s your gal.

Welcome, Katie!

Thanks so much for having me, Kat.

1. Can you tell us a little about your journey to publication?   Why did you start writing novels and how long did it take you to find your agent and get published? 

Going Cowboy CrazyI’ve always loved telling stories.  I wrote my first short story in fifth grade.  It was a humorous tale, and when my classmates laughed, I was hooked.  Other stories followed, but I didn’t write my first novel until my kids were in high school.  Numerous novels and rejection letters later, I finally found my agent and landed a deal with Grand Central.

There’s a reason they call it a journey.  At least for me, it took a heck of a long time.  But I wouldn’t change a second of it.  I’ve learned a lot while traveling my writing path and made some wonderful friends.

2. One of the many things I love about your books is that your heroes are (as Lori Wilde said) handsome cowboys with hearts the size of Texas. Even bad-boy Colt Lomax is loving and compassionate. What draws you to kind-hearted alpha heroes? 

It probably has to do with my husband.  He’s a big, gruff jock with a heart of gold.  I mean, who wouldn’t love a guy who helps little old ladies load their groceries into their cars, airs up the neighborhood kids’ bike tires, and dresses up like Shrek for Halloween?  So when I write my heroes I want them tough on the outside but big ol’ marshmallows on the inside.

3. Your novels are set in Bramble, a tiny Texas town which you describe as being Mayberry on Texas peyote. Being a city-girl, I have to admit that Bramble is my idea of what small-town life must be like—full of well-meaning friends and family who get over-involved in each other’s lives. Is it based on a place you know? 

Make Mine a Bad BoyNope.  I loved Andy Griffith reruns as a kid—loved the close-knit community, the innocence, and the craziness of Mayberry.  And when I traveled to west Texas on my husband’s business trips, I fell in love with the friendly people of those small towns.  So Bramble is pretty much a fictional town that’s a mixture of life experiences and a wild imagination.

4. Faith and Hope—the heroines of your first two novels—are identical twins but are each other’s opposites in almost every other way. Which one do you identify with most? 

Oh, that’s a tough one.  I guess I identify with Faith’s naivety . . . Hope’s feistiness . . . and the way they both hate to disappoint the people they love.

5. Can you tell us a little about the next Bramble story? I gather there’s a short Christmas story, followed by another novel in April? 

I just sent in the short story, O Little Town of Bramble, which will be part of a holiday ebook anthology with Jill Shalvis and Hope Ramsay called Small Town Christmas.  My story is about a sweet, good-looking farmer who discovers the girl of his dreams amid the craziness of a Bramble Christmas.  It’s great fun!

Then in April, my third book in the Deep in the Heart of Texas series comes out—Catch Me a Cowboy.  It’s about a sassy widow who discovers happiness in the arms of the biggest redneck this side of the Pecos, and I’m just head over heels in love with these characters! (Of course, I feel that way about all my characters. LOL!)


Want to win one of Katie Lane’s fantastic, fun books? Winner gets to choose between Going Cowboy Crazy and Make Mine a Bad Boy. Leave a comment by Monday September 19th to enter!


  1. Bramble, Texas sounds like a great little town to set a series of stories in and the heroes of both books sound yummy! Thanks for the giveaway

  2. Interesting interview….

    I love stories set in Texas….maybe because I am a Texas native. I haven’t read any of your books but I may be looking into buying one soon.

  3. Thank you for an interesting interview. I have never read any of your books before, so am looking forward to doing so.

    Both of these books sounds wonderful, and I would be more than happy to read either one of them. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. Texas stories are a lot of fun, mainly because of the cowboys and the ladies who rock their world. I’m glad both twins are going to get their story (and man!).

  5. I’d like to win either of these books. They both sound great! (BTW- The covers are pretty hot!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  6. Lovely interview! Katie is a new author to me 🙂 Would love to try her books!

    Thanks for the chance to win one of hers…And I really second the “gorgeous” covers !

    judimello AT gmail DOT com

  7. Hi All! Thanks so much for stopping by Kat’s blog and entering to win my books. I wish everyone luck. And even if you don’t win, I hope you’ll check out Bramble. It’s a fun town with a bunch of crazy people. Love, Katie

  8. Katie,

    I already read both books and they were FANTASTIC, I am now waiting Patiently for the book about Shirlene. Thanks for such great enjoyment

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