Interview with Julianne MacLean – & giveaway!


Julianne contacted me to say that since this interview had received so many comments, she’d like to give away THREE copies of Princess in Love – that means three winners! Thanks so much, Julianne!

Julianne MacLeanJulianne MacLean ditched a career in accounting to pursue one as a historical romance author—and the romance community is truly glad she did! She’s a bestselling author who’s written about American heiresses, Scottish lairds and—most recently—royalty from a fictional country. She’s here today giving away her latest novel, Princess in Love. Welcome, Julianne!

1. Your royal trilogy, of which Princess in Love is the second novel, is set in a fictional country called Petersbourg during the Regency period. Tell us more about Petersbourg and its royalty.

I wanted to create a full historical world with lots of drama, so I looked to a particular period that has always fascinated me – the Russian Revolution. I used that to inspire the turbulent history of the country, and the first book BE MY PRINCE has a hint of Anastasia’s story in it, where a long lost princess resurfaces many years later. I have imagined the country to be small like Luxembourg, near the Netherlands, so I called it Petersbourg to give a hat tip to Russia.

2. You say that Charlotte Brontë is your most effective guidance counselor ever. I love this description! Can you tell us more about this?

Be My PrinceWhen I enrolled in university, I didn’t know what path to take or what to major in, but I was fortunate enough to have a first year English professor with a great passion for literature. He introduced me to the Brontës and Jane Austen, Edith Wharton and Henry James, and from then, I was passionate about literature, too. I became hooked on broody heroes like Rochester and Heathcliff. Imagine my delight when I finished my degree and discovered the historical romance genre for the first time!

3. What is the best thing about being a full-time romance author? What’s the most challenging?

The best thing is being able to pour my whole heart and soul into my work—which is to tell love stories about passionate people. I feel very lucky that my passion is my job. The most challenging part is to stay focused on that and not get too caught up in the publishing “biz” – which involves promotion and websites and social media, etc. I enjoy that, too, but it’s important to remember that the characters and their love stories have to come first.

4. I love the fun facts on your website – especially the one about you being a DJ at a dance club during your university days! I was a DJ my freshman year of college, but for my campus radio station playing contemporary Christian music (something I knew nothing about!). What’s one song that never fails to get you on the dance floor?

What a fun question! Oh, how will I choose?? Okay…if it’s an eighties song – I’ll pick “Can’t Get There From Here” by R.E.M. If I’m going to pick a current song, it’ll be “On the Floor” by Jennifer Lopez.

5. Can you tell us who will be the hero and heroine of the final book of your royal trilogy?

Yes! Nicholas is the bad boy – the wayward son of the king who is always at the center of a scandal – (usually involving a woman), but he meets his match when he is kidnapped by a seductive French spy who lures him out of a ball.


Julianne’s generously giving away one copy of Princess in Love to someone THREE people who leave a comment here. I’ll randomly choose winners on Tuesday December 4th. Good luck!

Princess in Love

Princess In LoveShe’s engaged to be married—to the wrong man…

Leopold Hunt, Marquess of Cavanaugh, is a secret Royalist with a distant hereditary claim to the throne. He has been groomed to one day overthrow the king and rebuild his family’s dynasty. Only one thing stands in his way: the king’s daughter, Rose.

Princess Rose has loved the marquess her entire life, but she is about to enter a political marriage—one that promises to help keep her father in power. There is virtually no way for Rose to escape her fate…yet she cannot resist the unstoppable passion she feels in the arms of the handsome and charming marquess. When a dangerous plot unfolds and puts their love to the ultimate test—Leopold must make a desperate choice: To honor his family or follow his heart….

By Kat

Kat Latham writes sexy contemporary romance, including the London Legends rugby series. With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the depth, humor and emotion of real life. She's a California girl living in the Netherlands with her baby girl and British husband.


  1. Engaged to be married, to the wrong man?! I love it!! haha Because true love always wins out. Yay! Sounds fabulous!

  2. The first book I ever read by you was “An Affair Most Wicked”. I liked it so much that I went out and got the rest of the American Heiress series and the Pembroke Palace series.

  3. Winter is here and that is my favorite time to curl up with a good romance novel. I am very partial to the historical romance novels so I can’t wait to read this one.

    Thank you for the chance to win it!

  4. love your books and I really love the fact that you believed in yourself to ditch your accounting job for your true passion!

  5. I loved Be My Prince and have been waiting (not so patiently) for Princess In Love. Best of luck to you on the new release!!

  6. I love Julianne MacLean, she remains one of my favorite author of all time. Can I just ask for the book, my birthday falls on December 03. It would be a nice birthday gift. Pullleasseee. 😀

  7. I love Julianne MacLean. I’ve puchased every book and have enjoyed each and every one. Recently, I’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer. Reading is very helpful during chemo….during those days when you can’t really do anything else or feel like doing anything else. I enjoy Julianne’s books because it takes me to a place that let’s you forget the reality of everyday life. I’m looking forward to the next book and her novella coming out soon. Of course, Nicholas’s book will probably be my favorite!!! 🙂

    1. Hi Jay – sorry to hear about your recent health issues, but I am so happy to hear that reading is helpful to you during chemo. This is why I love writing romance – because sometimes a happy sigh is what a person needs 🙂

  8. I’m so excited for another great read from you !! I can always count on having a great time within the pages of your books!

  9. I always love finding someone giving me another great romance novel to read, and a author to fall in love with that I need to read everything they put out. Thank you!!!!!!

  10. Hi, Julianne!

    I love your novels and have so been looking forward to reading “Princess in Love.” The theme of the Royal trilogy set in a fictional country has me seeing stars. I feel like a kid back reading Cinderella!

    Congratulations on this new release. Hoping to be selected as a winner! 🙂

  11. This book sounds great- hope she marries the better of the two guys! I love tension in romances!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  12. Huge fan! Can’t wait to read this book! College student…so this will go in my tbr pile..I’ll finally get to read for pleasure over Christmas break!!

  13. Great post. This is a new series for me. Have read one of Juliene’s books and liked it. This looks like a great series. Thanks for the awesome giveaway Kat.

  14. How exciting! I would LOVE the chance to win a free book from Julianne MacLean.
    I have read just about ALL of her books and she is a great historical romance writer. (Especially, anything Scottish!)
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  15. English professors are great, aren’t they? I had some wonderful profs as well who introduced me to authors and books that I may not have read on my own otherwise. Princess in Love sounds amazing!

  16. I’ve been reading Julianne MacLeans books for many years now, and would love to win this one to add to my collection!

  17. Lucky us that your passion is your work. I love historical romances for all the normal reasons but also, frankly, makes me more appreciative of modern conviences, like running water, cars. etc. Thanks for the giveaway and such. The only christmas I have done is pulling out christmas tops and pins to wear.

  18. Thanks for the great giveaway! I’ve just started reading more historical romances and am looking for new authors to love!
    kacidesigns AT yahoo DOT com

  19. Yum – I love this story and the characters already – how cool – and thank you for the opportunity to win this great book!

  20. Am ALWAYS thrilled when I can get my hands (and eyeballs) on a new Julianne MacLean! A free one would bring heaven to my house!!! Merry Christmas Julianne!

  21. I love your books and always look forward your latest!! This series sounds like a lot of fun… I’ve always been interested in Russia and its culture!

  22. Wonderful interview with writer Julianne MacLean………love to win…but most in important I am looking forward to reading Julianne’s new book ‘Princess In Love’……….Juliannne is such a wonderul writer of historical romance

  23. Book sounds awesome. Just read an historical fiction about the Romanov’s and am hooked on that era. Would love to read.
    Vicki H

  24. Pouring your heart and soul must be totally exhausting! Love your books and broody heroes as well. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

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