Interview with Julianne MacLean – & giveaway!


Julianne contacted me to say that since this interview had received so many comments, she’d like to give away THREE copies of Princess in Love – that means three winners! Thanks so much, Julianne!

Julianne MacLeanJulianne MacLean ditched a career in accounting to pursue one as a historical romance author—and the romance community is truly glad she did! She’s a bestselling author who’s written about American heiresses, Scottish lairds and—most recently—royalty from a fictional country. She’s here today giving away her latest novel, Princess in Love. Welcome, Julianne!

1. Your royal trilogy, of which Princess in Love is the second novel, is set in a fictional country called Petersbourg during the Regency period. Tell us more about Petersbourg and its royalty.

I wanted to create a full historical world with lots of drama, so I looked to a particular period that has always fascinated me – the Russian Revolution. I used that to inspire the turbulent history of the country, and the first book BE MY PRINCE has a hint of Anastasia’s story in it, where a long lost princess resurfaces many years later. I have imagined the country to be small like Luxembourg, near the Netherlands, so I called it Petersbourg to give a hat tip to Russia.

2. You say that Charlotte Brontë is your most effective guidance counselor ever. I love this description! Can you tell us more about this?

Be My PrinceWhen I enrolled in university, I didn’t know what path to take or what to major in, but I was fortunate enough to have a first year English professor with a great passion for literature. He introduced me to the Brontës and Jane Austen, Edith Wharton and Henry James, and from then, I was passionate about literature, too. I became hooked on broody heroes like Rochester and Heathcliff. Imagine my delight when I finished my degree and discovered the historical romance genre for the first time!

3. What is the best thing about being a full-time romance author? What’s the most challenging?

The best thing is being able to pour my whole heart and soul into my work—which is to tell love stories about passionate people. I feel very lucky that my passion is my job. The most challenging part is to stay focused on that and not get too caught up in the publishing “biz” – which involves promotion and websites and social media, etc. I enjoy that, too, but it’s important to remember that the characters and their love stories have to come first.

4. I love the fun facts on your website – especially the one about you being a DJ at a dance club during your university days! I was a DJ my freshman year of college, but for my campus radio station playing contemporary Christian music (something I knew nothing about!). What’s one song that never fails to get you on the dance floor?

What a fun question! Oh, how will I choose?? Okay…if it’s an eighties song – I’ll pick “Can’t Get There From Here” by R.E.M. If I’m going to pick a current song, it’ll be “On the Floor” by Jennifer Lopez.

5. Can you tell us who will be the hero and heroine of the final book of your royal trilogy?

Yes! Nicholas is the bad boy – the wayward son of the king who is always at the center of a scandal – (usually involving a woman), but he meets his match when he is kidnapped by a seductive French spy who lures him out of a ball.


Julianne’s generously giving away one copy of Princess in Love to someone THREE people who leave a comment here. I’ll randomly choose winners on Tuesday December 4th. Good luck!

Princess in Love

Princess In LoveShe’s engaged to be married—to the wrong man…

Leopold Hunt, Marquess of Cavanaugh, is a secret Royalist with a distant hereditary claim to the throne. He has been groomed to one day overthrow the king and rebuild his family’s dynasty. Only one thing stands in his way: the king’s daughter, Rose.

Princess Rose has loved the marquess her entire life, but she is about to enter a political marriage—one that promises to help keep her father in power. There is virtually no way for Rose to escape her fate…yet she cannot resist the unstoppable passion she feels in the arms of the handsome and charming marquess. When a dangerous plot unfolds and puts their love to the ultimate test—Leopold must make a desperate choice: To honor his family or follow his heart….

By Kat

Kat Latham writes sexy contemporary romance, including the London Legends rugby series. With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the depth, humor and emotion of real life. She's a California girl living in the Netherlands with her baby girl and British husband.


  1. Thanks for the chance to win! This sounds like a good one & I am putting it on my list either way. Great interview!

  2. Hi, Kat and Julianne! Great interview! I love the fact that Leopold wants the throne and Rose, but Rose is engaged to a man that will keep her father in power. I know that true love will win out, and I love the stories as they slowly take you to that point. Thanks so much for this giveaway! I would love to win Rose and Leopold’s story.

  3. Nice contest! I love historical romances and I love your books. And like someone else said you have great covers on your books. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

  4. Loved the interview and your newest book sounds like another winner. I would love to be a lucky winner – but best of luck with it no matter who wins. Your books are always great. Thanks for the chance to win.

  5. Julianne, this definitely sounds like a great read. I love romance novels especially historical ones.
    If I win, I will be reading it myself then loaning it to friends to read

  6. I love these short little interviews full of insight into the author. Fun!

    Love the blurb of the new book too. Sounds like crazy frustrating fun!

    Lisa B

  7. wow loved the interview and the book sound fantastic !
    have been an avid romance reader since i was 12 so *coughs* 22 yrs now !! and still going strong
    Love historicals , Highlanders and paranormals the most !

    have read both Julianne’s and some of Kat’s books and have to say you ladies are both fav authors !

  8. How exciting. I love your historical romances and the push / pull of honor, duty, and following your heart. Thanks for the contest. It would be great to have this to read before Christmas.

  9. I was interested in the fact that you gave up accounting for writing romance. I was an accountant and my daughter currently is an accountant. Getting to work at home must be an interesting change.

  10. julianne, thanks for the great stories! i am definitely looking forward tonocholas’ book…the bad boys are always my favorites. have a happy holiday season.

  11. The brooding romantics are my favorites and I took every course I could while obtaining my Literature degree in college. It is wonderful to see a renewed interest in the Bronte’s, Jane Austin and Henry James. This would a great read on a snowy winter day cuddled in my chair. Thank you for your talent.

  12. Kat, love this blog and your great questions! Julianne, I so love your books and the way you weave together your stories. Winning would be great fun! Merry Christmas you guys! Cheers!!

  13. I can’t say I blame you for leaving accounting to write! lol. Love the interview, I enjoy getting to know more about the authors I read, and would love to enter the giveaway!

  14. Great blog. I love the series so far. But I haven’t read Princess in Love. I really like to read historical and paranormal romance. Thanks again for contest/giveaway.

  15. I am glad that you found a career that you love. You are so lucky in that respect and as one of your readers I can say that I am glad as well since it is so much fun to read your stories. Have a wonderful Christmas season.

  16. I really liked the interview. It sounds like a great book. I am very sure that Rose will win over being king or maybe he can have both! I can’t wait to read it. I love the idea of a make believe country. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. I liked the interview alot of things that I did not know so that was neat. Also I think that historical romances are so neat . Thank you for another opportunity to win 1 of your books that was nice of you and in your busy world you must of put your tree up in the wee hours as we just moved in a new house and we bought a Charlie Brown tree that we can replant we do that every year even when we had just the land but it was funny how we were just decorating with the new ornaments that i had gotten from Hallmark as the box with all my old ornaments is missing I should say boxes are missing in the basement claims my husband!

  18. thanks for fun interview – I love to read my favorite authors in interviews, and on their websites – but not if it takes too much of their time and energies away from their writing! thanks also to knowledgeable interviewers who clearly enjoy talking with their favorite writers on our behalf.

  19. Julianne, don’t ever stop putting your characters first! Your fans share your love of historial romances.

  20. Great interview! Interesting picks for your dance music. I must look for these books, just in case I do not win!!! Dee

  21. I loved the interview. Julianne is a favorite author of mine. I’d love to win, but if not, I’ll buy it. Have most all of her books. Just love to read. Thanks for the chance to win.

  22. Hi, Kat and Julianne! this is my first time here But not a first for Julianne.
    Love her books the royals are my fav (wink) all of Your books are my fav’s keeper I call them.
    have a good one Ann/albaa

  23. Hi, Kat and Julianne! this is my first time here But not a first for Julianne.
    Love her books the royals are my fav (wink) all of Your books are my fav’s keeper I call them.
    have a good one Ann/alba

  24. Hi Julianne,
    I have been such a fan of yours and historical romance is what I cut my teeth on way back around 1980 when I was a teenager.
    You have the loveliest covers and what you write between those covers transports me.
    Kat this is my first time to this site but i have bookmarked it an plan to stop by regularly now.

  25. Hi, Kat and Julianne! This was a great interview! I love the fact I know that true love will win out. Stories that take you to anticipation of the ending is one of my favorite thing. Thanks so much for this giveaway! I would love to win Rose and Leopold’s story.

  26. I enjoyed your interview. It’s always nice to know what the author was thinking and what influenced their writing. For me reading a book includes knowing the author as a person. I’m looking forward to reading Princess In Love.

  27. Loved the Interview and I love the author!!! I just love Julianne MacLean’s books!!! My favorite is Love According to Lily!!! Thank you for your work!

  28. The Russian Revolution, I have to admit I know pretty much nothing about that. But from the sound of your books it sure seems like a perfect choice. Full of intrigue, and of course you added in some love.

  29. Thanks for the giveaway. Your book looks amazing. One question I have is do you base any of your book characters on people you know or have known in real life? I was just wondering….thanks again

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