Recharging a drained brain

I’ve spent the past six months in servitude to my work in progress. My daily word counts have been massively helped by writing marathons, like the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood‘s Winter Writing Festival and Savvy Authors’ May Bootcamp. These helped me finish my first draft just a few days after my husband finished writing his PhD.… Continue reading Recharging a drained brain

Romance Writers of New Zealand magazine

The Romance Writers of New Zealand very kindly printed one of my blog posts in the June issue of their members’ magazine Heart to Heart! Even more kindly, they’ve said I could make the pdf available here so people can read it. My entry is on what novelists should do when writing for the web,… Continue reading Romance Writers of New Zealand magazine

Does it matter what an author looks like?

Have you ever scheduled a professional photography session, then woken up five minutes beforehand, not taking time to wash, brush your hair or gather enough energy to smile? Neither have I—at least, not since a hot guy I liked looked at my college ID photo and said, “Ugh! Looks like you just woke up from… Continue reading Does it matter what an author looks like?

Freedoms to remember on Memorial Day

Today’s Memorial Day in the U.S., a day when the country commemorates soldiers who have died in military service. As an American, I know we have a tendency to sound like we’re obsessed with freedom. It’s a word that’s bandied about by politicians, newscasters and citizens who happen to be walking down the street when… Continue reading Freedoms to remember on Memorial Day