This is cross-posted at The Season where Bev is giving away a copy of Deirdre Martin’s Icebreaker to one commenter. The last week of December, I celebrated my final few days of holiday by dipping into the pile of books I’d bought myself for Christmas. Completely unintentionally, the two books I read were both contemporaries… Continue reading Scarred heroes in contemporary romance
Author: Kat Latham
The camaraderie of novel writing
One of my favorite things about working in an office is the friendship and support of my colleagues. The people I work with are intelligent, funny and compassionate, and having them around helps me be better at my job. Not only do they keep me sharp and help me out when I need it, but… Continue reading The camaraderie of novel writing
Three things I’ll never write in my author bio
Even before I started writing novels, I’ve always loved reading authors’ bios. When I try out a new novelist, I usually read the first page and then flip to the inside back cover. If they’re both well written and interesting, I feel more confident about my chances of connecting with the author and the story… Continue reading Three things I’ll never write in my author bio
My wordy Valentine
I might be making a huge assumption here, but as writers we must all be fond of words, especially their ability to evoke a certain feeling or express an idea that’s formed in our heads. Where would we be without words? I’m a week late for Valentine’s Day, but this post is my public declaration… Continue reading My wordy Valentine
Love lessons from contemporary romance heroes
This is cross-posted at The Season. I’ve celebrated one Valentine’s Day in my entire life. One. It was in 2003, and my boyfriend (now husband) and I had been together for three months. He hated the idea of a manufactured day of love, and tried to explain that he didn’t think love was about exchanging… Continue reading Love lessons from contemporary romance heroes