Scarred heroes in contemporary romance

This is cross-posted at The Season where Bev is giving away a copy of Deirdre Martin’s Icebreaker to one commenter. The last week of December, I celebrated my final few days of holiday by dipping into the pile of books I’d bought myself for Christmas. Completely unintentionally, the two books I read were both contemporaries… Continue reading Scarred heroes in contemporary romance

Three things I’ll never write in my author bio

Even before I started writing novels, I’ve always loved reading authors’ bios. When I try out a new novelist, I usually read the first page and then flip to the inside back cover. If they’re both well written and interesting, I feel more confident about my chances of connecting with the author and the story… Continue reading Three things I’ll never write in my author bio

Love lessons from contemporary romance heroes

This is cross-posted at  The Season. I’ve celebrated one Valentine’s Day in my entire life. One. It was in 2003, and my boyfriend (now husband) and I had been together for three months. He hated the idea of a manufactured day of love, and tried to explain that he didn’t think love was about exchanging… Continue reading Love lessons from contemporary romance heroes