At one point near the beginning of my work-in-progress (a contemporary romance set in a small mountain town in California), my hero sits in a greasy-spoon cafe and thinks about how much he misses being a Starbucks customer. I didn’t put that thought in his head on a whim. You see, he’s a small-business owner,… Continue reading “He drinks WHAT?” Product placement in novels
Author: Kat
Kat Latham writes sexy contemporary romance, including the London Legends rugby series. With degrees in English lit and human rights, she loves stories that reflect the depth, humor and emotion of real life. She's a California girl living in the Netherlands with her baby girl and British husband.
When did category romance get this good?
I first started reading romance novels when I was 12 and I somehow got on Harlequin’s mailing list. One day I got a package of Harlequin Presents novels (and a crappy necklace), and I was hooked. For years, I spent my babysitting money on their book club. As I matured, my romance reading tastes changed.… Continue reading When did category romance get this good?
My dark moments
One of my manuscripts is a finalist in the Break-up Contest, run by Alaska Romance Writers! Pretty good, since the scene I entered was my hero and heroine’s wedding (let’s just say, all does not go as planned for them). This is a different ms to the one I entered in the Between the Sheets… Continue reading My dark moments
What should we ask you?
First off, I’m sorry about the long blog silence. I’ve actually been *gasp* writing! And it’s been fantastic. Not so fantastic is the long-term family illness stuff that my husband and I have been coping with, nor the ongoing work project that is destined to kill me. But the writing is good. And as I… Continue reading What should we ask you?
Brenda Novak’s auction rakes in the bucks
File this one under ‘Holy crap, people have lots of money to spend on getting published’. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about Brenda Novak’s auction for diabetes research, and how I had no problem setting aside what I could afford to bid on a critique. Erm, apparently people have a hell of a lot… Continue reading Brenda Novak’s auction rakes in the bucks