Review: The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin

A passion-packed short story left me desperate for more. In a genre that can sometimes feel quite limited in scope, it’s unfortunate – but probably natural – that a lot of the reviews Jeannie Lin will get will focus on the setting instead of the writing. But after reading The Taming of Mei Lin, a… Continue reading Review: The Taming of Mei Lin by Jeannie Lin

No one forgets their first (vicarious) sexual experience

The other day, I was reading a post Imogen wrote at The Writing Groove about the first romance novels she remembers reading, and it got me thinking about how many of us romance readers got started when we were kids. As I told her, I remember very little about the plot of my first grown-up… Continue reading No one forgets their first (vicarious) sexual experience

What hits your hot button?

(Note: the hot button I’m referring to isn’t related to our previous discussion on how to heat up the fictional bedroom. Sorry if you’re disappointed.) Last week I randomly clicked on a link to a review for Judith James’ Libertine’s Kiss. (I can’t find that link now, so if this description of the review sounds… Continue reading What hits your hot button?

Tools for heating up the (fictional) bedroom

If you write romance, chances are you’ll find yourself pondering how best to describe genitalia and different sexual positions. After all, who wants to read about boring sex? Having read romance for twenty years, I’ve seen the way sexual descriptions have changed. I still remember one novel where the hero and heroine made love on… Continue reading Tools for heating up the (fictional) bedroom

Review: The Viking Takes a Knight by Sandra Hill

Ignore the mullet-man on the cover. This novel is a funny, sexy romp through tenth-century Britain and the Norselands. Ingrith, a Viking princess living in Britain, runs an orphanage that rescues children from horrific circumstances. One of those children is Henry, the king’s by-blow, and when Ingrith hears the king is looking for the young… Continue reading Review: The Viking Takes a Knight by Sandra Hill