Congrats, New Zealand All Blacks!

If it seems like I’ve been talking a lot about rugby lately, it’s because I’ve been rewriting  my contemporary romance manuscript about a professional rugby player, and I’ve been doing lots of “research” lately (i.e. spending hours searching for videos of rugby players tackling each other and generally being uber-manly). Today’s been a particularly rugby-tastic… Continue reading Congrats, New Zealand All Blacks!

A very British video teaches you about teatime

It’s 4 o’clock in London. Teatime. I’ve lived in London for over six years, so believe me when I tell you that the British passion for tea may be a cliche but only because it’s absolutely true. Even after all these years, I still don’t fully understand the traditions surrounding tea. It seems like my… Continue reading A very British video teaches you about teatime

More hot men are concerned about your breasts

I don’t usually drool and post pictures/videos of ripped men…unless I can find a way to relate it to writing. Remember last week I shared that video by Rethink Breast Cancer? The one featuring hot guys showing you how to check yourself for lumps and also served as a great lesson on providing a unique… Continue reading More hot men are concerned about your breasts

Winner of the Victoria Dahl giveaway!

Thanks to everyone who commented on my interview with Victoria Dahl, and a big thanks to Victoria for giving away a signed copy of BAD BOYS DO! The lucky winner is…Patti W! Patti, I’ve emailed you asking for your address. If you haven’t received it, please check your spam folder. This week you can win… Continue reading Winner of the Victoria Dahl giveaway!

Interview with Jeannie Lin – and giveaway!

A couple of years ago, Jeannie Lin burst onto the romance scene with her Golden Heart contest entry, set in China during the Tang dynasty. Romance readers had to wait over a year to be able to read Butterfly Swords, but everyone agreed it was well worth the wait—and it certainly revitalized my interest in… Continue reading Interview with Jeannie Lin – and giveaway!